marți, 7 decembrie 2010

Mesajul de la organizatori - DEMOCRATIC Project

Mesajul de la organizatori:

Hello everybody,

first of all we want to apologize because we know it is really late for sending you this e-mail. We have had some coordination problems, but now, everything seems solved.

We write you because we need a participant selection for the last seminar. We ask you all to send your favourite 2 participants + one more just in case there is somebody that cannot come. With these participants, we will make the selection, as we have made before. 

The dates for the seminar would be from 15 to 20 December, but please, DO NOT BUY TICKETS YET, we don't have the confirmation from the hotel. We will have it this week, so, if we work as team, we can manage to make the selection and buy the tickets really soon. We have checked the prices in Internet and we are all in the budget, as there are many cheap flights to Italy (specially flying to Rome + train conection to Naples)

These are the maximum flight costs for the flighs (100%, remember that only 70% will be in the reimbursment)
SPAIN: 180€
POLAND: 150€
GREECE: 200€
TURKEY: 200€

Remember also to tell participants that the fee for the participation in the event is 30€

We ask you to send the selection of participants as soon as possible, so, if you have it already, please send it to us. If not, try to make it for Monday 8th (morning) the latest, so we will manage to make the participant list and inform the selected participants.

Just for you to know and be able to inform your participants, the training will have a general introduction to some concepts: participation, democracy, cityzenship, etc (like previous events) and one specific topic: fight against organized crime. In order to make it more interesting, we will have parctical activities (strategies development), experts participation and panels of experience.


    -Chirila Eliza-Marciana-
International Projects Coordinator
Leaders of the Third Millennium Club
Str. Dr.N.Staicovici, nr.25, sector 5, Bucuresti, Romania
Tel/Fax: (+4) 031.405.97.99
(+4) 0768857726

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